Our Purpose

To support a strong and vibrant VCSE sector in Walsall, and to encourage, inspire and grow local social action.

We strongly advocate for the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector by connecting, representing, advising and providing support. We want to ensure that organisations, their staff and volunteers make a difference.

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To support a strong and vibrant VCSE sector in Walsall, and to encourage, inspire and grow local social action.

One Walsall is an independent charity, who support the community, voluntary, faith and social enterprise sector across Walsall.

We collaborate closely with local organisations to nurture their development and amplify their positive influence.

Our Vision

We collaborate closely with local organisations to nurture their development and amplify their positive influence.

Walsall's communities have access to a vibrant, supported VCSE sector, represented by One Walsall, and residents are inspired and supported to take part in local social action.

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Aims & Values

Supporting the community, voluntary and charity sector across Walsall.

Our Aim

Our charitable objects are to promote any charitable purpose for the benefit of the public, principally but not exclusively in the Metropolitan Borough of Walsall and its surrounding districts (the “area of benefit”) and, in particular, to build the capacity of Third Sector organisations and provide them with the necessary support, information and services to enable them to pursue or contribute to any charitable purpose.

To promote, organise and facilitate co-operation and partnership working between Third Sector, statutory and other relevant bodies in the achievement of the above purposes within the area of benefit.

To advance other such objects or purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the law of England and Wales in the area of benefit in such manner as the Trustees may in their absolute discretion think fit.

Our Values

Our values shape our intentions and our culture of working with everyone we work with.

They guide how we behave and make decisions:

  • Leadership – We lead by example and encourage others to do the same.
  • Equality – We treat everyone with fair and equally, specific to their needs, regardless of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age.
  • Authenticity – We act with integrity, openness, transparency and always in best interests of Walsall’s voluntary sector.
  • People-centred – we value the contribution of every individual and support them to identify the assets they can offer to supporting their community.